Should I add online yoga classes to my business?
May 25, 2020
If you're currently a yoga teacher or own a yoga studio you may be asking yourself "should I add an online component to my program?" and I can assure you that you're not alone. Whether Covid-19 brought it to the forefront or it's something you have considered for much longer, this week's blog post and our replay of last week's live training is definitely one you don't want to miss. We're going over the pros, cons, and how to get started.
The Benefits of Teaching Yoga Online
- It helps build your audience and your email list.
- Live classes see the most success since there isn't as much competition with live classes. When you have your students sign-up for these classes you're able to capture their emails and build that relationship with them regularly through their inbox.
- It gives you a chance to learn something new.
- This may seem scary right now but being able to adapt and serve your students whether they're in your studio or at home is only going to elevate your studio and brand.
- It allows you to stay connected to your students.
- You will be able to continue earning income.
- Online yoga is accessible.
- This means your students will still be able to practice yoga from the safety and comfort of their homes.
The Obstacle of Teaching Yoga Online
- You will have to learn something new.
- I know we mentioned this as a benefit above and it is but it's definitely a hurdle you'll need to cross before being able to confidently offer classes online.
How to Begin Offering Online Classes
- Decide if you're going to offer live classes or pre-recorded classes and content.
- Choose what online platform and payment system you're going use.
- Decide what type of yoga you want to be known for.
- Create the systems you need in order to streamline the process and avoid creating more work for yourself.
- Commit to failing. This may seem counterintuitive but in order to grow as a teacher and a business owner you will need to fail.
- Choose a date to start offering classes online and write it down.
Online yoga isn't going anywhere anytime soon and now is the best time to make the transition or to expand your studio offerings. We're here to support your journey so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out!
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