Most Common Business Mistakes made by Yoga Teachers
Sep 04, 2019It is extremely common for yoga instructors to make business makes, after all – you took yoga teacher training not business school. This is why MOGA supports it’s instructors through the business side of things so they can focus on their love for teaching.
Have you made mistakes during your journey in yoga teaching? OF COURSE YOU HAVE. We all have. We all do. But, we recognize them, reflect on them, learn from them and move on.
However, some mistakes are avoidable and this is where we think Yoga Teachers could use some help. Which is why we are hosting a free mini training on FB Live.
We’re going to cover the most common business mistakes made by Yoga Teachers: not having a business plan, lacking a clearly defined identity, not having a marketing budget, failing to keep a mailing list, not cross selling classes and forgetting to ask for reviews.
When you join the FB live, we’re going to give you the exclusive template our MOGA Instructors get to reach out to studios to teach at their studios.
To join the FB live, first join our YOGA TEACHER CORNER FB group and then tune in on Friday September 6th at 11am PST.
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