Promote Your Yoga Class With Ease

day_monday day_tuesday Jan 15, 2020

I can remember finishing my yoga teacher training feeling inspired, fulfilled and ready to jump right into being a yoga teacher.  I wanted to do it my way, be my own boss and create my own community, but I had ZERO business experience.  So I jumped into the world of entrepreneurship and spent months trying to figure out what worked for me. 

I felt like I was throwing spaghetti at the wall and waiting for one to stick.  I had great ideas, but filling my classes was a CHALLENGE!

Filling your classes doesn’t have to be something you dread, you just have to learn the tools and methods. With the tools and knowledge we provided in our most recent FB Live, you can start to fill your classes and bring abundance into your yoga teaching career.

Here is what we will cover!  The three marketing secrets we want you to remember and the five effective marketing strategies for yoga classes.

So, if you’re a yoga teacher and are ready to:

√ Fill more classes

√ Stop stressing about social media

√ Build a thriving yoga business and community

√ Enjoy the freedoms of entrepreneurship

√ Learn new skills and tools for your business

You’ll want to watch our “Promote Your Classes with Ease” FB live training HERE and follow us on Facebook to get more great insight and tools to make your yoga business a success!


MOGA® Moms

PS. Don’t forget to grab the included worksheet/freebie HERE



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