How to stand out in an oversaturated market; 3 ways you can be different than every other yoga teacher
May 18, 2020We see this all the time...
Brand new yoga teachers complete their 200 hours and are itching to begin leading their own classes.. only to end up either not charging what they're worth, working for free for way too long, or spinning their wheels in 100 different directions.
Sound familiar?
That's why one of the key components to our training programs is helping you not only become an exceptional yoga teacher but to stand out even in a crowd of exceptional yoga teachers.
We recently did a Facebook Live mini-training on 3 easy ways you can start standing out as a yoga teacher in your community TODAY and we had so many people message us because they related to the struggle of standing out.
So, ICYMI here's what we covered:
1. Niche down
Training in a niche is the #1 way to stand out in your market. It allows you to become an expert within that niche and become known for that niche. Instead of being one of many, you become one of a couple or a few that are practicing the same niche as you. When this happens you will have a better chance of being chosen for that knowledge since the competition won't be as stiff.
This will make your marketing easier as well. Instead of yelling to the masses and no one hearing you, you will be speaking the language of your niche and your ideal client will hear you loud and clear. When you're in a niche market those in that market will talk to one another and your name will come up when someone in that circle is looking for what you teach.
2. Don't Forget Business and Marketing
You can be the best yoga teacher in your city but if you aren't sure how to market yourself, connect with your community, run a business, or talk about yourself in a way that makes studios or individuals want to hire you then that is going to be a problem.
You need to consider your business as a business.
It's up to you to find your customers and make your business succeed which means you need to create a budget for marketing, make a business plan, and invest in business training to sharpen those skills.
3. Get Support
There isn't a single business that goes at it alone and succeeds. You need peers, mentors, coaches, a community that will cheer you on and helps you out when you need it. This can be a fellow student, another yogi in your community, or someone from a Facebook group. You want to befriend those who are going to elevate where you are. There is nothing wrong with being business besties with someone at the same level, but be sure to connect with yogis who you aspire to be like or their business inspires you.
Want to watch the full training? Your wish is our command👇
These steps may seem oversimplified but it really is that easy to stand out in your market if you take these 3 tips and get to work!
So, put on your business hat, decide on a niche, find support, and start standing out!
PS. Interested in learning how we can help you do the above? Schedule a free call here.
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